Madame MO!
Grand NOREN (rideau japonais) en coton BIO
34 euros
POUPEE en coton BIO
( 30 cm )
22 euros
Si vous souhaitez commander reportez vous à la rubrique **acheter en ligne** dans la colonne de droite.
I was not able to pay with a credit card. Paypal recngoized me and would only let me check out with my paypal account. I rarely use Paypal and do not check my bill every month. Also, I had to open an entire new email address for Paypal since they cannot retrieve info if passwords are lost. So I get paypal via and email I rarely check. Additionally, I do not want to support Meg Whitman's future coup attempts. If you would post an address I will, (GASP!) send you a check! Just think, no money to the big bank credit card oil company defense manufacturer hacks. Just between you, me, and my Credit Union. (Move your money! Move your money!)thank god the Monty Python song, look on the bright side of life finally stopped so I got control back and am able to end this email.Like your show SO much.Frances from Texas (I escaped)
Rédigé par : Tin | 01/07/2012 à 08:34